Wilmette Young Tigers Taekwondo Club
Moogong-ryu Martial Arts - Oriental Martial Arts College System

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Essay by Philip Choi written for his black belt test
Essay was published on the Korean Quarterly publication 2010 winter issue. (page 63)
Philip Choi promoted to 1st dan black belt in December 2009.



Article copy - Courtesy of Korean Quarterly.

Korean Quarterly is a non-profit/volunteer publication that provides independent and alternative reporting on issues of identity, racism, politics and the arts and is a forum for the ideas and creativity of the whole Korean American community. From the Twin Cities to Chicago, LA, NYC, Europe, Pyongyang and Seoul, Korean Quarterly’s readers are members of the Korean American community, including adopted Koreans, 1.5 and second generation, bi-racial and intercultural/interracial Korean American families. It also attracts many non-Korean readers, including parents and relatives of adopted Koreans, other Asian Americans, and people who have an interest in Korean culture and history, the Korean American community or racial and ethnic identity issues of minority populations in America.
